Sunday, November 19, 2006

No one loses God, but he that is willing to part with Him

"I can't feel your presence anymore God. You have departed from me", cries the believer. This is a cry of desperation. This is a moan for answers. This is an all out cry deep within the soul. It is a cry to feel the presence of God and get right back to Him.

A believer's dream is a great relationship with God. An unbroken relationship that prayer and worship exist all the time. I mean fellowship in which a union with God occurs.

But we have to consider the tumultous roads that life has to pass by in having a relationship with God. It is not a road where you can walk and enjoy all the time. There are temptations on the right side that a believer sometimes slips. There are tragedies on the left that tends to stop us from going to the finish line. Circumstances that destructs our faith and most dangerously the fellowship we have with God.

It is still in the hands of the believer if he wants to continue the Christian life even though he fails so many times. Though we are prone to failures, God always gives us the chances to stand up and get going. Though we hurt God by dumping Him along the road and looking to the "riches of the world". Though we seek the vanites of this world, He still nudges us to come back.

It is not that God has departed! We are just walking in the road of life and decided that we can get there by our own. Alas! That's a lie. I can do nothing without Christ!

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