Monday, November 20, 2006

Die right the first time

As I am meditating I come up to answer the number one question of life, "Where do I go when I die now?". As a believer of Christ, it is an easy answer because I am trusting in the bible that "...whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16. In short I have the assurance of salvation.

It is also a question to those who came to Jesus Christ and professed to be Christians yet there is no clear-cut answer. The cloud of doubt has covered their minds that it need a radical revival for the rain of the Holy Spirit to come down until the sky is cleared. Once the Spirit comes, the mind will be freed again.

It is the greatest question for those who don't know the salvation through Jesus Christ. A question of death and life. A question of where a person wants to spend his eternity. A question of heaven or hell. A question that needs to be answered NOW, not tomorrow.

As I close this day. I want to leave this words from Robert M. McCheyne, "If you die wrong the first time, you cannot come back to die better a second time. If you die without Christ, you cannot come back to be converted and die a believer--you have but once to die. Pray that you may find Christ before death finds you."

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